Travel Guidelines Amendment

Seeing that increased funds are going to be needed to supplement the costs of travel and registration for the National Pi Mu Epsilon conference in coming years,

Noting that there may not be enough funds for every student interested in speaking at said conference, we propose the follow procedure for selecting students to present on behalf of the Ohio Xi Chapter of Pi Mu Epsilon at Youngstown State University.

Presentation Requirements

For a speaker to be considered for a conference, the presentation to be given at the conference must be, at minimum, viewed and critiqued by an advisor of Pi Mu Epsilon.

This presentation must also be conceived and developed, with abstract presented to the Officer’s Committee before the date specified each year by the Officer’s Committee.

If the number of presentation that have met the criteria above is greater than the number of students that Pi Mu Epsilon has funding for, the Selection Committee, comprised of the officers of Pi Mu Epsilon and the faculty advisor(s), will use the following order to decide which students are to attend the conference.

Selection Order

  1. Students who have won the "Best Student Presentation" honor at past Pi Mu Epsilon National Conferences, in order by the number of awards won
    • This assures that the quality of students that are presenting the talks will be high
  2. Students who have won individual awards from other mathematical conferences
    • For the same reason in the one above
  3. Officers of Pi Mu Epsilon for the current academic year
    • This allows the students who have organized many of the activities throughout the year to have high consideration for this honor
  4. Students who have Presentation in a public mathematical forum (PME Regional Conference at YSU), and then in the order of the number of performances given with the presentation to be given at the national conference
    • This lets the Selection Committee know the dedication of the student who wants to give the presentation
  5. Students who have only had their talks viewed and critiqued by an advisor will be selected, in the order of the discretion of the Selection Committee. The discretionary measures that will judge whether the student will attend the conference will include, but not be limited to:
    • Preparedness of the information that is handed to the Selection Committee on the assigned date
    • Judgment of the relevance of the subject matter for the Pi Mu Epsilon Conference (i.e. application to mathematics)
    • Recommendations of the viewers of the given presentation

The Selection Committee reserves the rights to take extenuating circumstances into account for selection, and all of the decisions of the Selection Committee are binding with quorum of that committee, and any students with objections regarding the selection process must do so before the submission of the abstract to the Selection Committee.